Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I love the Fall!!

I have been avoiding writing on our blog for a while now but David brought it up so many times that I've decided I should just go ahead and make a post. This all started when we went to California and everyone asked us if we "blogged" which we did not, but it definitly put the idea into David's head, and so here we are. My hesitation comes mostly from the fact that I have to post blogs for my classes multiple times per week and thinking about writing another blog makes me cringe. But here I am, writing on another blog, and I'll have to admit that this is much better than writing any blog for my classes. Who knows, maybe I'll actuall start to really enjoy writing on our blog :)

David and I went to the Shenandoah Hot Air Ballon and Wine Festival this Sunday. It was the most beautiful crisp fall day and I don't think I've even seen Shenandoah more beautiful. There is something about getting out into the open, with rolling field and pastures that makes me so relexed and happy. It makes me feel like I can breath and not hold on to any worries that seem to so easily get stuck in my mind here in Faifax. There was wine tasting at the festival which was a lot of fun. There were a bunch of local wine vendors and I quickly learned that there is indeed a right way and a wrong way to tast wine. I went around and just asked to try some of my favorite wines and then I would try some of their others. I soon learned that there is a right way and a wrong way to try wine. You need to start from the dry wines and work your way to the sweeter ones, if any of you are wondering. We are a little disappointed that we weren't able to see any of the hot air ballons because they said it was too windy. I was actually really excited to see some because I've never seem any before. Alas... it didn't happen this year, but maybe next year.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

David you are wearing Arielles Brown sweatshirt! I love that sweatshirt!! wish i was there with you guys for the wine tasting...keep up the blogging
